Dhamar – 27th,  29th  July, and 28th -29th August  2017.

Together Foundation for Development and Human Rights in cooperation with  Dhamar Correctional Center launched two awareness sessions on child- friendly justice on 27th -29th July and 28th – 29th August targeting 109 (50 males-59 females) of children families, CPCs’ members, CSOs representatives and workers of juveniles centers. These events aimed at prompting the application of restorative approach in juveniles cases settlement and non- custodial alternatives , avoiding punishments depriving liberty by using all reconciliation measures, community- based solutions, to satisfy community, victims as well perpetrators, setting up participatory principles in solving children cases bearing in mind the best interest of children in placing them at their homes and spreading reconciliation principle by gearing official and conventional  efforts. As part of child protection project, funded by Save the Children.