Together Foundation for Development and Human Rights funded  with the support of Save the Children organized three training workshops on Independent Inspection Mechanisms on Juveniles’  detention centers  during the period 2013- 2014 targeted 60 of ( activists, CSOs, and related government officials from Al- Amanh , Aden, Al- Hodiedah, Taiz, Hajjah, Amran, Al- Mahweet, Thamar, Sa’adah, and Ibb).

Subjects raised in the trainings

In the three training workshops, a number of articles were raised,  taken from the latest materials on juveniles Justice and participant’s perspectives. These include the followings:

  • Independent Inspection Mechanisms on juveniles’ detention centers: its central concepts (children in conflict with law, juveniles’  detention centers, and independent inspection) , components, international references taken from human rights conventions, factors, principles, functions, visit conditions, interview patterns, conditions of writing reports, mechanisms in following up the reports recommendations, and its fields.
  • Juveniles situation in Yemen: legislations, detention centers titles, types of inspection on their detention centers, and the cons and pros of the detention centers.
  • Required procedures to be taken before preparing independent inspection reports, during writing, and after printing.


   To reflect the theory of the independent inspection on the Juveniles’ detention centers in the practical application, field visits, intervened the trainings, were conducted to the detention centers which apply the custodial measures that are related to MOJ and MOSAL. The training workshops raised a number of facts described the situation of juveniles at detention centers at the global level through the international reports and compared that to Yemeni  situation. Besides, they spotlighted the roles of government institutions and CSOs regarding to the cases of juveniles’ rights violations, and how to monitor and deal with them scientifically and methodically based on  the specific standards for inspection.

The beneficiaries number of trainings

محافظة اب

Total Females Males Year
40 12 28 2013
20 7 13 2014
60 19 41 Total