Sana’a Tuesday 18th October, 2016

Together Foundation for Development and Human Rights launched the awareness sessions on alternatives to corporal punishment at Abd Al-razaak  Al-sana’ani school, Sana’a for parents of CFS children, members  CPC, COSs’ representatives and teachers targeting 97 participants (42 males-55 females).

As part of child protection project, Funded by Save the Children during the period (18-19) October 2016 .

 During event, number of significant issues raised:

  • Alternative pedagogical methods to corporal punishment.
  • Negatives effect of corporal punishment (emotional- behavioral- social- educational).
  • Presenting the ministerial decree issued by the Ministry of Education to prevent the use of corporal punishment in all schools.
  • Preventive methods and their importance.
  • Therapeutic methods and their importance.
  • Preventing of problems that may be the reason for corporal punishment.
  • The importance of using methods reinforcing positive behavior.

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