Dhammar ,  Sunday 9th October, 2016

 it has been launched the awareness sessions on alternatives to corporal punishment in Dhmar for parents of CFS children, COSs’ representatives and teachers targeting 68 participants ( 20 males- 48 females).

As part of child protection project,   Funded by Save the Children during the period (9-10) in October 2016 .

 During event, number of significant issues raised:

  • Alternative pedagogical methods to corporal punishment.
  • Negatives effect of corporal punishment (emotional- behavioral- social- educational).
  • Presenting the ministerial decree issued by the Ministry of Education to prevent the use of corporal punishment in all schools.
  • Preventive methods and their importance.
  • Therapeutic methods and their importance.
  • Preventing of problems that may be the reason for corporal punishment.
  • The importance of using methods reinforcing positive behavior.

The most prominent finding of this session aims at raising awareness among children parents in schools and parents councils during school year.

 Mr.  Gamal Al-farza’ee ( director of Footsteps organization) attended the opening

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