Sana’a – 21st-24th May, 2016

Place of Meeting:Together Foundation for Development and Human Rights

Together Foundation for Development and Human Rights launched The Training on Case Management for the Volunteers Working in Dhmar’s CFS, the Child Protection Committees of CFSs in Sana’a and Dhmar and CSOs.The purpose of the session was Building participants’ capacities (volunteers – CPC – CSOs) on detecting violation cases and referring them to the related institutions.targeting 15  (8)Males –  (7)Females , As part of child protection project, funded by Save the Children.

Numbers of significant issues raised:

  • Enhancing the trainees by local laws, lagislations, policies and related institutions participating in child protection works.
  • Enhancing them with the mechanisms of detecting violation cases.
  • Equipping them withknowledge about protection committes’ role on the referral system and intervention plan.