March – May 2018

            To follow up on the work of local NGOs(a Small Grants Program) as part of Penitentiary System Reform in Yemen; Meeting International Human Rights Standards Project.  ( PRI & the Dutch Project-Yemen)

Haq Foundation (Seiyun)) was implemented many activities  in cooperation with  Together Foundation

1: Upgrade and Renovation Health Unit – Seiyun:

  • Renovation health unit.
  • Equipped  with the appropriate needs

2 : Capacity Building on First Aids:

Capacity building for (12)  on first aids for staff at prison

3 : Literacy course

  • Encouraged inmates to develop their literacy and numeracy skills..
  • An  inmate with high qualification (Bachelor Degree on Arabic)   was selected to teach them

4 : Legal Support:

  • A legal expert were hired for vulnerable cases  to provide legal aid.

تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (2) تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (3)

تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (5)تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (4)  تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (1)تجهيز عيادة صحية - سيئون (6)


دورة تدريبيه حول الاسعافات الاوليه - سيئون (1) دورة تدريبيه حول الاسعافات الاوليه - سيئون (2) دورة تدريبيه حول الاسعافات الاوليه - سيئون (3)